Managing quality control in a factory in China takes extensive effort, but many businesses learn the hard way what happens when quality control is ignored. Product defects can run rampant (even if the sample quality was acceptable), and many businesses aren't aware of product issues until after bulk shipments have been made to local warehouses. Kanary specializes in quality control management in China factories, and we have the time, resources, and expertise to do it right. Our team will be onsite, personally supervising quality control procedures at your supplier’s factory, which allows us to guarantee product quality.
Kanary takes in the whole picture of what quality control processes may already be in place at your chosen factory. If appropriate quality control is already present, our experts will supervise production to ensure that those procedures are followed. If quality control is lacking, Kanary will develop quality control processes, catered to your product, and will implement them with the supplier.
Kanary leverages its quality control expertise to identify manufacturing risk and to limit quality issues. This includes implementing avoidance strategies, risk transfer, mitigation techniques to determine what baseline acceptance is for production.
Once we have invoicing data, and once we've created a streamlined plan with your suppliers, Kanary works with you to develop exceptionally accurate, long-term order forecasting predictions. Our team will consult with you on what to purchase and when to purchase it to make sure you are fully stocked for your busy shopping season.
While Kanary performs regular quality control tests on products as they're made, our team will conduct a final product inspection after manufacturing is complete. This allows us to double-check for any product defects, packaging issues, or any other problems that would affect product quality.
Kanary gives the final approval for products to be shipped, whether their being shipped via sea freight, or moving to a China fulfillment warehouse for direct-to-customer shipping.
Kanary's quality control fees are hourly based, and clients can choose how much, or how little, of our services they need. Your business may only need a small scope of our quality control expertise, or you may want the entire suite of services that Kanary offers. Our pricing is catered to how much of our services you need.
Tell us what specific services you need, and Kanary will do it. It's as simple as that.