Personal Care: Oral Care

Personal Care: Oral Care

Oral care products will always have appeal with customers, but they need to have confidence that what they buy is effective and safe. Partnering with Kanary makes it easy to find factories you can trust that can source at prices that make sense. We do the legwork to find a supplier that's a great fit, and we take the guesswork out of finding a high-quality factory. 

Kanary Can Source Any Oral Care Product

If you don't see exactly what you need, don't worry. Kanary can source any oral care product. We even support prototype development for completely new products. Contact us, let us know exactly what you're looking for, and we'll start the process of getting you the oral care products you need.

Teeth Whitening Strips
Teeth whitening strips, available from wholesale, white label, and private label suppliers. Customization or prototype development available upon request.
Oral Sprays
Oral sprays designed to freshen breath or help keep mouths clean. Available in multiple flavors and bottle options and compatible with white and private label operations.
Oral Hygiene Kits
Complete oral hygiene kits, including toothbrushes, floss, floss sticks, and any other dental hygiene product you want to include. Consolidated shipping support available for sea freight shipping logistics.
Interdental Brushes
Brushes designed to clean between teeth. Available in multiple designs and sizes, with white and private label support available.
Stain Removal Products
Stain removal products designed to brighten teeth, including strips and powders. Products can be sold as generic under white label, or Kanary can source suppliers who can customize.
Floss Sticks
Floss sticks in multiple designs available, including generic or customized options. Floss strings can be flavored and certified safe from suppliers.
Water Flossers and Cordless Waterflossers
Waterflossers, including plug-in and cordless designs, available from multiple suppliers. Can be customized as needed, with branding support available upon request.
Wholesale and Private Label Mouthwash
Mouthwash from private label suppliers or wholesale factories. If needed, products can be customized for private label, with prototype consultation provided by Kanary.
Tongue Scrapers
Tongue scrapers available for white or private label operations. Products can be customized to fit preferences upon request.
Electric Toothbrushes
Electric toothbrushes available for generic bulk orders, as well as prototype development. For generic options, multiple designs are available.
Wholesale and Private Label Toothpaste
Toothpaste from wholesalers and private label factories. Customizations for private label operations available upon request.
Wholesale and Private Label Teeth Whitening Products
Teeth whitening products, including powders and strips, available from wholesale suppliers or private label operations.

Sourcing Oral Care Products: Step-by-Step


Confirm Specific Oral Care Needs

There is a lot of variation within oral care products (between toothpastes, mouthwashes, electronic water flossers, and more). Our team makes sure that we fully understand what specifically you need, and we take time to make recommendations for companion products or commonly used ingredients, where applicable.


Supplier Search

Next, Kanary begins a search for an ideal supplier. We start with around 30-50 options and narrow them down based on perceived quality, ability to get the specific raw materials for your products, experience producing in your product niche, and the ability to get the required certifications to prove the products are safe for consumers.


Sampling and Supplier Selection

After Kanary narrows down the choices to around 3-5, we start a thorough vetting process. We request samples (and help you tweak samples until you get the product you want), we conduct in-person factory inspections, and we consult with you on making a final supplier choice.


Mass Production

After a supplier has been chosen, Kanary manages mass production. Our team makes sure that quality control protocols are in place and correctly followed, and we remain available to quickly respond to production issues as they arise. We also manage the production of related packaging to avoid needless delays in preparing products to ship.


Sea Freight Shipping and Clearing Customs

When products are ready for shipment, Kanary continues to handle the process. We book containers and shipment, and we monitor shipment as it approaches customs. Our team helps you to gather the needed documents to clear customs, and we can advise on potential options to navigate customs delays, should they arise.


Final Delivery

After your order clears customs, Kanary schedules final delivery of your product with the appropriate domestic freight partner. If you have any problems with your order, we remain available to facilitate communication between you and the factory to make sure that all issues are appropriately resolved.

Want to Source Oral Care Products? Contact Kanary

Ready to source safe, high-quality oral care products at excellent prices? Kanary would love to connect with you! Fill out our online form, and our team will get started on creating a sourcing plan that is custom-fitted for your business.

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Words from our clients

I’ve been in this industry for a long time and I was surprised that Kanary was able to help find us machines for a 1/3 of the cost compared with US and European manufacturers. What I really enjoy with Kanary is that they constantly keep me in the loop and get back to me almost instantaneously. What’s also great is that they kept me in the loop with the shipping, customs clearance, delivery, and also arrange travels for engineers from the factory to install our equipment.  The quality has been outstanding and I’m in the process of building out a new facility with them.
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I’ve been in the construction industry for over 30 years. We’ve always bought from US distributors. I reached out to Kanary out of curiosity to see if we could find similar construction materials of high quality. I did not think they were going to make much progress and so I was shocked when they found the exact manufacturer that my distributors have been buying from within 2 weeks. They were able to make contact and have the factory send me samples within a week.  By connecting directly with the factory, we’re looking at savings of over 30%.
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We’ve done quite a few different packaging projects with Kanary in the past (Child-resistant packaging, glass jars, plastic bags, shipper boxes, etc.). We sent AI files to Kanary, who then worked directly with the factory's design team to make prototypes of the packaging. Our in-house designer is very particular about our designs and Kanary was really flexible and worked with us when our designers wanted to make changes in the packaging development process. They were able to manufacture different prototypes at different price points, which gave us options when making our final decision.
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Oral Care Resources

Want to learn more about how Kanary connects businesses with factories to source products like oral care products? Click to learn more.
How to Make a Prototype
Inside, the Kanary Team explains how to make a prototype with a manufacturing partner in China.
Is It Safe to Buy From China?
Concerned about safely buying from China? The Kanary Team explores how to avoid scams and pitfalls when sourcing products from China.
Why is Quality Control Important When Manufacturing in China?
You cannot afford to ignore quality control when manufacturing in China. The Kanary Team explains why, as well as how to guarantee standards are met!
Oral Care FAQs

Where can I buy toothpaste wholesale?

There's multiple options of where you can buy toothpaste wholesale, but you should make sure to vet any supplier you consider:

  • Alibaba: It's possible to find wholesale suppliers of toothpaste on Alibaba, which is the world's largest B2B ecommerce platform. While there are a lot of options to choose from, you need to take your time and vet any supplier you consider.
  • Google searches: Many wholesale providers have established web presences, which means they can be found with simple Google searches. However, you still need to perform due diligence on supplier options, since some may not be able to meet your needs, while others may actually be trade companies, which are middlemen between you and a factory.
  • Sourcing specialists: A sourcing specialist, like Kanary, can help you find a wholesale supplier for toothpaste. They cut out the time and resources needed to find an appropriate supplier, vet suppliers, and manage production when contracts are signed.

How do I choose a private label supplier for teeth whitening products?

f you're stuck between supplier options for private label teeth whitening products, there's a few factors you can consider to help you make a final choice. Keep in mind that this is general advice, and what you should prioritize will vary depending on your specific business needs: 

  • Communication: If you are sourcing a private label product, then you are likely either customizing a generic product (or at least plan to in the future). If your factory isn't capable of clear, effective communication, then tweaking product designs and plans, discussing packaging options, and navigating production issues will be a huge challenge. 
  • Capacity: Even if the supplier seems ideal, they need to be able to produce products at a volume that works for your business. If they give you an unusually long lead time, they may be too small to work with the volume of production you need. You also need to consider future scaling efforts, because even though a factory can meet your needs now, if they can't scale with you, a different option may be a better choice. 
  • Quality control: Your chosen private label supplier should have quality control protocols in place, and they should demonstrate a willingness to implement new quality control protocols as you discover potential issues with production. The best way to make sure that proper quality control is in place is to visit the factory in-person. 
  • Pricing: Finally, while pricing shouldn't be your initial or only consideration, it still plays a role in determining which supplier you choose. You'll be tasked with finding a supplier that offers the best balance between a price that makes sense, a quality product, being able to make enough of your product fast enough, and how well they can communicate with you during production. 

Can I trust toothpaste and mouthwash that is sourced from China factories?

Yes! However, as with any factory, you need to take the initiative in making sure that quality control procedures are followed. It's possible for any factory to try to cut corners, including ones in China, so you should make sure to:

  • Be familiar with quality control standards related to your specific industry.
  • Have a factory with which you can clearly communicate so creating and enforcing quality standards is easy.
  • Visit factories in-person for inspections (and/or request videos and photos)

If you aren't sure about your ability (or available resources) to manage a factory to ensure products are safe and to your quality standard, then partnering with a sourcing specialist, like Kanary, can help.

How does Kanary guarantee the quality of wholesale electric toothbrushes?

Wholesale electric toothbrushes are great products for a lot of businesses (like dentists offices), but selling defective or low-quality products can be damaging to a brand. That's why Kanary guarantees the quality of the products we source, and we can back up that promise by:

  • Visiting factories, in-person, for supplier vetting (and before contracts are signed).
  • Supervising production once contracts are signed, quickly responding to production or quality issues as they arise.
  • Acting as a liaison between businesses and factories to correct any kind of production error that is discovered.

I'm interested in sourcing oral care kits with multiple products from multiple suppliers. How can Kanary help?

Kanary can help source multiple products from multiple suppliers (like an oral care kit) by providing two key services:

  • Finding suppliers: First, we know how to find ideal suppliers (not just suppliers that make your product). We consider supplier location and lead times (among other factors) to make sure we get the best fit for a production campaign that involves multiple factories. Ideally, these factories will be as close as possible to make logistics easier, and Kanary handles this entire process. 
  • Consolidated shipping: Next, we can make sure your order is a consolidated shipment. Kanary holds products in temporary storage as companion products and packaging are manufactured. Our team books a container that can hold your entire shipment (while wasting as little space as possible), so that your shipping costs are kept down and clearing customs is easier.

What's the difference between private label toothpaste and white label toothpaste?

The difference between private and white label toothpaste (or any product) is pretty nuanced, so confusion is common. However, there is a difference between white and private label toothpastes:

  • White label toothpastes are generic toothpastes that are sold to multiple businesses and retailers. It's common for a white label product to be found under multiple brands. 
  • Private label toothpastes are sold to only one business or retailer (so no other brand or business will have the private label toothpaste). While not a toothpaste, a good example of a private label brand is Equate, which is sold exclusively at Wal-Mart stores. 

A white label toothpaste is a good way to experiment with what your target market may want or value, and shifting to a private label is a good way to be able to customize a product and otherwise set your brand or business apart.

What's the difference between customizing a tongue scraper and creating a prototype tongue scraper?

There's some overlap between customizing a tongue scraper or creating a completely new prototype, and the differences can cause some confusion. For example, if you customize any product, you generally will be prototyping it, even though you aren't creating one from scratch. 

Here are some general differences you can expect between customization of a tongue scraper and developing a full-on prototype:

  • Expense: It's going to be cheaper to customize a generic product compared to developing a prototype from scratch. Certain customization (especially on a simple product like a tongue scraper), may not require new molds or tools, which are some of the most expensive components of developing a new product. 
  • Time: It is faster to customize an existing product as opposed to going through the process to develop something entirely new. 

Supplier choices: Not all suppliers have the engineering capacity to develop novel prototypes. In fact, not all suppliers can customize products, either, but you'll find more options for customizing existing products as opposed to developing entirely new prototypes.

How do I enforce quality control with a private label toothbrush supplier in China?

There are two solid options to enforcing quality control with an overseas factory (like one located in China) for products that you need to be safe, like private label toothbrushes:

  • Monitor production in-person: If you have the resources, supervising production, in-person, is an ideal way to make sure that quality control procedures are correctly followed. It also makes it easy to spot, and respond to, production issues. 
  • Hire a quality control specialist: Hiring a third party is another great way to make sure quality control procedures are followed. Enforcing quality control is one of the multiple services Kanary offers to our clients as part of finding suppliers and sourcing products (like toothbrushes) from China.

Are oral care products sourced from China safe?

Yes! There is nothing inherently dangerous about sourcing oral care products from China. However, given the nature of these products, making sure that they are trustworthy is important for customer safety (and keeping the reputation of your brand intact). That's why we recommend businesses supervise production of oral care products, in-person, or hire someone (like Kanary) to manage mass production.

Is Alibaba a good place to look for a white label or private label mouthwash supplier?

Yes, though it may not be the only place you end up looking for a white or private label mouthwash supplier. Alibaba has all kinds of options to choose from, though you need to be sure to vet any given option you give serious thought to. You may also need expert help to make sure a supplier is worth partnering with, which is something a sourcing specialist (like Kanary) can assist with.

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