graphic Design Services

All Designs, Big and Small

Businesses that are serious about branding products will need to invest in graphic design that helps set their products apart. Kanary partners with businesses to leverage graphic design to draw the kind of attention you want to your brand. 

Whether you need a simple design to get a product launched, alteration to an existing design to increase appeal, or a full-on branding exploration to establish corporate identity, Kanary can guide the graphic design process from start to finish. 

Graphic Design: step-by-step

Determine Your Scope

Kanary's graphic design experts help determine the scope of service you need. Examples of project scope include:

  • Basic graphic design for brand launch
  • Refresh or refinement of existing designs
  • Consultation on establishing the look, feel, and voice of your brand through proprietary design

market research

After our team determines the scope of your needs, they get to work on market research. This helps to determine specific style cues that might appeal to your target demographic, or a trend in design that helps brands appear professional, high-quality, and trustworthy. 

What this looks like varies from industry to industry, but our graphic design experts are comfortable researching any specific product niche. 

initial design exploration

Next, our graphic designers take the first step in creating your graphic. Our team provides a number of thumbnail sketches or other quick digital works to start, giving you the opportunity to give input into styles that are appealing and can inform future iterations of appealing graphics. 

Review and Refinement

Our graphic design teams value feedback. As they create and refine designs, our designers continue to show you progress and incorporate your feedback. This cycle continues until we determine the final design that will be implemented into your brand. 

Final Iteration

A final iteration is submitted for collaborative critique by both you and our team. Any final adjustments will be made at this time. 

Real-World Application

Throughout the first five steps of this process, Kanary will have already no doubt gleaned insight into the size of the unfulfilled market your product could reach, and thus we'll be entering the print estimation phase with a quantity range in mind when gathering estimates for producing your product's packaging, plus choosing facilities for order fulfillment and distribution. With quantities and vendor location being the key factors towards achieving an optimal cost-to-value ratio, Kanary will contact several vendors in each needed service sector to gather estimates and review them to find the perfect fit for your budget and brand requirements.

Vendor Supervision

Kanary handles sending final designs to print vendors, web developers, and any other design-related vendors on your behalf. Our team works with vendors to adjust graphics for appropriate display without dramatically altering design. Kanary holds vendors accountable to quality control standards for implementing graphics across a broad spectrum of media, reviewing proofs and works-in-progress to ensure final products are accurately produced.

Kanary's Graphic Design Fees

Kanary's graphic design fees are based on an hourly rate, which means you only pay for the services you need. Kanary is happy to take on the specific services you require, whether it's for a quick-and-easy design project, or a full-fledged exploration into brand development. 

Kanary: Turnkey Design Services for the Real World

Kanary can handle any scale of any project, and our designers are trained to work directly with our offshore printing and fabrication resources to ensure zero lost-in-translation incidents so your final design looks as good on your product as it did on your computer screen.
If you're ready to leverage graphic design to help brand products from China, Kanary would love to partner with you. You can fill out our webform, and our team will get started on whatever needs you have, large or small. 

Words from our clients

I’ve been in this industry for a long time and I was surprised that Kanary was able to help find us machines for a 1/3 of the cost compared with US and European manufacturers. What I really enjoy with Kanary is that they constantly keep me in the loop and get back to me almost instantaneously. What’s also great is that they kept me in the loop with the shipping, customs clearance, delivery, and also arrange travels for engineers from the factory to install our equipment.  The quality has been outstanding and I’m in the process of building out a new facility with them.
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I’ve been in the construction industry for over 30 years. We’ve always bought from US distributors. I reached out to Kanary out of curiosity to see if we could find similar construction materials of high quality. I did not think they were going to make much progress and so I was shocked when they found the exact manufacturer that my distributors have been buying from within 2 weeks. They were able to make contact and have the factory send me samples within a week.  By connecting directly with the factory, we’re looking at savings of over 30%.
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We’ve done quite a few different packaging projects with Kanary in the past (Child-resistant packaging, glass jars, plastic bags, shipper boxes, etc.). We sent AI files to Kanary, who then worked directly with the factory's design team to make prototypes of the packaging. Our in-house designer is very particular about our designs and Kanary was really flexible and worked with us when our designers wanted to make changes in the packaging development process. They were able to manufacture different prototypes at different price points, which gave us options when making our final decision.
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China Fulfillment Resources

Click to learn more about how to leverage graphic design for China products.

How Long Does It Take to Ship From China?

The Kanary Team reveals how to determine shipping time from China. This includes considering factors like consolidated shipping and how to pass customs!
Read more

How To Scale a Dropshipping Business With Bulk Ordering

Want to know how to scale from dropshipping to bulk ordering? The experts at Kanary give key advice to follow in this article.

The Difference Between a Dropshipping Agent and a Sourcing Agent

Curious about the difference between a dropshipping agent and a sourcing agent? The Kanary Experts talk about the differences and how to choose the right agent for you!

Graphic Design Services FAQ

Is graphic design important for ecommerce businesses?

Yes. If your product doesn't exist in retail stores, then your brand and related graphics will serve as the first impression for your brand. Professional, sleek graphics can help give the impression that your business is serious about the product they sell, which can help drive conversions. 

While you shouldn't over-invest in graphic design for an unproven product, keeping the customer experience in mind will be crucial as you develop your brand.

When should I invest in graphic design for a product from China?

If you're serious about branding, you should be prepared to invest something in graphic design, though you don't necessarily need to create a full-fledged branding strategy for a new product or a new brand. 

Typically, businesses will want to get serious about incorporating a product into an existing brand (or begin to establish a new brand) when a product has proven itself to be successful. This generally means:
  • There is demand for the product
  • The product is profitable
  • Your business is in a position to begin scaling with a particular product

Can Kanary offer graphic design services as a standalone offering?

Yes! You don't have to use Kanary as a sourcing specialist to take advantage of our graphic design services. Our experts can still help you develop appealing graphics, and we can still manage vendors on your behalf as designs are implemented. 

I already have designs and graphics for my business, but I need help sourcing products. Can Kanary help?

Yes! Our graphic design services are optional, so customers that partner with Kanary as a sourcing specialist are not required to take advantage of the design services we offer. 

I've already streamlined my product sourcing, but my branding isn't there yet. Can I come to Kanary solely for design services?

Yes! Our graphic design services are available as a stand-alone option, so we welcome businesses to approach with branding and design needs. Also, if you're an existing client, you have the option to reduce other services and continue coming to Kanary for graphic design services, as needed.

Does Kanary have other offerings aside from design projects related to print products and packaged goods?

Absolutely! Kanary's designers have decades of real-world experience in a broad range of design specialties. These include:
  • Building websites
  • eBasts
  • Designing mobile apps
  • Other services focused on cloud- and design-based assets
Kanary can offer these services as standalone offerings or as tie-ins to physical products you are sourcing (with or without Kanary).

Do I need a name for my product, brand or business before I come to you? How much conceptual work do I need to do in advance?

You do not! The experts at Kanary are happy to partner with you through the entire creative process for your product, including creating a product name or brand foundation. In fact, we have found that many businesses that partner with us from the infancy of their business have an easier time establishing on-target marketing strategies as their product is designed and manufactured.

Do I have to source my own vendors to handle the print, labeling and marketing material needs for my project?

You do not! Kanay has an enormous list of pre-vetted print professionals, and we make sure that your project ends up in the hands of the vendor best-suited to produce an incredible product at the best price-to-value ratio.

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