Businesses don't have to develop a unique product to break into the market. If you know there's an existing product that would support your brand, or there's an opportunity to leverage your brand to market a winning product, then you should consider white labeling.
Simply determine the kind of product you want to sell, and Kanary can help you source that product, make sure that product stays in line with your quality standards, and develop unique packaging to elevate your brand.
Our fee structuring is based on the following three components: due diligence of suppliers and/or products charged as an hourly rate for our time, management of production charged as a percentage of the total order value, and shipping coordination charged as a flat rate.
Due diligence involves the discovery and set up of new suppliers and/or products or investigate services with existing suppliers. It requires current and prospective supplier research and selection, and sample ordering and arranging. The amount of due diligence hours spent on a project will depend on which one of the three buckets your project falls into; make-to-stock, make-to-order, or engineer-to-order.
Management of production begins after suppliers and samples are approved and production begins. Numerous tasks must be implemented to optimize productivity, minimize defect rates, and ensure successful production. These tasks include, but are not limited to, supervising manufacturing processes, negotiating prices, onsite inspections, analyzing manufacturing risks for pivoting to adjust if problems occur, optimizing communications between clients, primary suppliers, and raw material/component suppliers to maintain production schedules, etc.
Shipping coordination refers to Air freight and Sea freight, specifically container management. Several tasks are needed to successfully ship a container, including, but not limited to, coordination and consolidation of multi-supplier orders for transfer to the port of origin, securing dates for shipment and booking the vessel, confirming all import/export documents are correct and ready, confirming HS codes to ensure correct import duties/taxes, clearing customs, and organizing drayage to the final destination.