The outside element here is a DIV BLOCK. I copied/pasted it from the one above, but then I REPLACED the CSS style's name with "DIV BLOCK 21", so that I could change its background color to this purple you see here. It has no margins, padding, or any other styling, except for the background color. Because it's in a div with no margins, the color is edge-to-edge.
Th next element nested inside the div block is a CONTAINER. It has 20px of padding on all four sides to keep the text away from the edges. Also, I checked the "centere element horizontally" button under the "spacing" controls, to do exactly that. Otherwise it would stick to the left edge.
The final nested element is a TEXT BLOCK, and it has a CSS style called "CTA Text-on-Blue Left-Justified". This callout makes the lettering beige. The link has a CSS class called "Dijon Mustard Link on Dark BG" because it makes the